It's still dark outside when I woke up, literally dark in the sense that it's only midnight. And once again, I put the blame to my aging limbic system for a dysfunctional sleep-wake pattern. I grabbed a cup of milk straight from the fridge and settled at the empty couch in our receiving area. I envy the ones who are in dreamland this moment of dawn while I am leisurely in a pensive thought. The previous month just culminated to a good close and another one set out casually. At the start, September wakes me up.
The silence is cajoling for another article with the absence of cacophony and the right atmosphere. I came to think of the passing days, which is indeed faster to someone who is: consciously making oneself busy, forced to become busy, or all of the above. Whatever is your situation now, step on the break and loosen up. Like you have a time to check what a cacophony is, or reading a good book to increase your word bank, or refining old skills like cleaning out and tidying your closet, setting aside social gossips from news feed of which contents consist mainly of "feeling--". That's what democracy tends to snap away. And I'm guilty as charged.
It's dawn, and the moment is riveting to count the leaps and bounds of grace we received passively. There could be moments we felt our spirits are at the lowest ebb or situations that are seemed impassable. But the day closed to a night, and the night ends to another day.
When I first learned to drive, I used to complain when I'm hitting roads of many bends. Because it's a lot easier to manipulate a car on a fine road. But it depletes you of a chance: a better driver (in my case, without a license..but this is between you and me).
Consider those awful days like you are driving to a road with humps, lots of it. And what do you do when the car is nearing a speed hump? You slow down, you grip tight. Because a smooth road will never make a good driver. Just as an easy life will never make a tough warrior. I don't know if it's a good analogy, but our moments of undulations are wake up calls to see things around, feel things around, and love things around.
I love when I'm awake at the middle of the night. Things are slowing down. Things are quite different.
Happy Sunday! =)