I have so much to thank God for another month full of wonderful memories. I just came from my night shift duty. I should be sleeping now since the census is much than we expected. Nonetheless, it turned out to be a peaceful shift..our patients are getting better, they are all alive, and I did not ended the shift pumping somebody's heart. In addition, I have many good news from my sister whom I missed so much! I have so many answered prayers and I don't know what I did to deserve any of those (I'm not whining, I swear!=) I'm not a materialistic person and I know how to delay gratifications. But God knows the desires of my heart, I'm naked in His eyes and He can read my mind. And so, He granted me my material blessings aside from my nonnegotiable asset-my FAMILY. The stock market is not doing well, we have our negative losses and still I thanked God because we were given the chance to buy lesser cost of stocks. I do not brag of my wealth but I encourage you to invest in hard times, even with the little money you have. Sow in time of famine! Yes, I, too is an investor!=) I do not have ample time to enumerate my blessings because a lifetime will never be enough. Whatever you went through this month, be thankful. Find blessing in every situation, and be a blessing in any situation. Pamper yourself once in a while, I know God will be happier seeing you smiling. Try to fulfill a promise to yourself so you can fulfill a promise to others. Afterall, you can never give what you never have. You are definitely worthy in God's eyes, because you are His greatest addiction. You and me are interconnected, because we were made by ONE HAND.
Let me say a short prayer for you:
Thank you Lord for creating me with the most intimate love I can never find anywhere else in the world. Thank you for being so addicted to me and to the one reading this post. Bless their families and the people who give them joy, inspiration, and even pain. I pray not to take their burdens but to find You in their burdens. Let them see You in the rising sun and even feel You in the humid air. Bless me more so I can be a blessing. Let me experience Your miracle so I can be a miracle to someone else. Your will prevails. In Jesus name, Amen!
Bring it on October!!!=)