I was in the elevator flipping my old Nokia phone. Let me describe it to you: I received it months before I graduated in college, some of the white face cover is peeling off and you have to hold the battery pack to counteract the law of gravity. Why I'm still using an obsolete phone? Because the worth of the one who gave it to me is far more than the worth of the phone itself. The woman smirked at me as I carefully flipped it to answer a call. In a world that puts greater weight on material things, I felt I was measured by the face value of my phone. To put an end to the uncomfortable look out of using my "advance" Nokia mobile, I took my iPhone5 and read the reminder I kept for sometime that says "Don't give up your joy". Believe me, the smirk disappeared.
It has always been a repeated question in the many Christmas Eve Mass that I have attended asking, "What if the Inn-keeper knew that it was Mary, the bearer of God's promise who is knocking at his door in that unholy hour?"
Was she also a victim of a world that puts an emphasis on face value?
This Christmas, I pray that we all look back to that little world of manger. He could have given Mary the suite room booking in Makati Med to deliver Jesus. But why He had chosen the simplest, humblest way?
I can only think of one.
God wants us to Simplify.
It's not what we have that makes life beautiful. It's what we can give that makes the lives of others worth living. Because between the silent of the night and the roar of heaven, God is teaching us to be more kinder than we can, more loving than we should be, more grateful than you already are, and far better than good.
I pray that you will see what gravity cannot take away: LOVE, PEACE, SURRENDER.
Merry Christmas!